The city of Halandri held every year a festival at this wonderful amphitheater located on top of a stream covered reed and pine trees. This location is partly what defines the experience and was used as the main element through out all the work that was produced. In total the poster, program brochure/flyers, invitations and tickets for three plus one extra festival where commissioned. Apart from the design I also did the photography and the overview of the printing and production.
The festival features theater performances, music concerts and shows by local –organizations.
no of items 4 posters, 3 eight page folding programs, 1 flyer, 4 invitations, 1 ticket
project started February 2008
project started October 2010

 Festival rematias 2008 poster
 Festival rematias 2008 eight page folding program side A
 Festival rematias 2008 eight page folding program side B
 Festival rematias 2008 eight page folding program side B
2008 second coming

 Summer 2008 poster
 Summer 2008 flyer program

 Rematia festival 2009 poster
 Rematia festival 2009 eight page folding program side A
 Rematia festival 2009 eight page folding program side B

 Festival rematias 2010 eight page folding program side A
 festival rematias 2010 eight page folding program side B
